NYC Portraits
Name? Alexandra Marzella
Age? 25
What do you do? Model for money or friends, act, and make art.
Loves? Waking up in the sun beams, being under water, and your nose breath.
Loathes? I don't loathe much; but, people who don't get me sometimes makes me feel bad.
3 words that best describe you? Emotional, efficient, eco-feminist
Name? Julia Baylis
Age? 22
What do you do? 1/2 of Me and You
Loves? I love things and people with a good story.
Loathes? Internet trolls
3 words that best describe you? Resourceful, some people think I'm funny, sensitive
_______________________Name? Mayan Toledano
Age? 27
What do you do? 1/2 of Me and You
Loves? All things pink
Loathes? Winter in NYC
3 words that best describe you? Intuitive, spontaneous, fantasizer
Name? Kelsey Lu
Age? 24
What do you do? I create sound waves and tears (just my own) with songs I've written and played either on my cello, my guitar, or piano. I also draw, paint, and make prints. I'm currently doing a collection of cello compositions dedicated to the 7 Goddesses as well as creating abstract visual imagery for each. I'm also in the process of recording my debut album with Kyp Malone from TV On The Radio.
Loves? Food, wine, weed, falling in love, Sade, taking a bath with someone, a good fuck and the feeling of over hearing one, the sea, and Mother Nature.
Loathes? Bad music, cold fries, the cost of the dentist, the cost of rent in NYC, racism, misogyny, and plastic.
3 words that best describe me? Time will tell
Name? Kay Kasparhauser
Age? 24
What do you do? Musician
Loves? Baking, gifs, and coffee.
Loathes? Laffy taffy, free floating anxiety, and genocide.
3 words that best describe you? IDK
Name? Brad Oberhofer
Age? 23
What do you do? Mortician
Loves? Death, darkness, emptiness, and caves
Loathes? Sunlight, blueberries, puppies, and all things warm and fuzzy
3 words that best describe you? Illusive, aloof, mysterious
Name? Cara Stricker
What do you do? Direction, photography, and music
Loves? Sonic visuals, bacon ice cream, lucid dreaming, graphic illustrated novels, and David Shrigley.
Loathes? Bacon ice cream and pessimists.
3 words that best describe you? Dreamer, romantic, from the sky
Name? Jack Doyle Smith
Age? 23
What do you do? I am a musician and songwriter. I play in a band called Beach Fossils.
Loves? Seeing a dog that is wearing the same outfit as me, mom's german chocolate cake, and harmonizing with the tone of my electric toothbrush.
Loathes? Trying to run up stairs with food in my mouth and people who think that in order to sneeze they also need to scream.
3 words that best describe you? Instant long-term gratification
Name? Myfanwy
Age? 24
What do you do? For money I wear clothes; although, often I don't.
Loves? Nudity, the taste of metal, colors and patterns, collecting rocks, all animals, fire, math, walking as transportation, tequila soda, sunshine, humidity, wearing other people's clothes, somersaults, blood, making things, making out, mushrooms, the beach, the desert, the mountains, the bush, the city, tattoos, fried and salty food, puns, punks, getting crushes, getting over crushes, ice cream, mysterious strangers, conspiracy theories, scary movies, loud music, the body odor of people I know, Christmas lights, banksia seed pods, karaoke, hotel rooms, sneezing, and innuendos.
Loathes? Anything I say here I will love by next week. I would like to like boats so I'll say that.
3 words that best describe you? Rule breaker.
Name? Leanne Macomber
Age? 29
What do you do? Music and food
Loves? The sun, the ocean, and my rescue kitten
Loathes? Those sex-tourists, Jessica Simpson, jeans that guys wear with the bedazzled pockets.
3 words that best describe you? filthy, filthy, filthy
Name? Alice Lancaster
Age? 29
What do you do? I draw, paint, style, and sometimes model.
Loves? My cat, donuts, Louis CK, coffee, fresh lilies, and a new pair of white socks.
Loathes? People who stare down at their phone while they walk, sexism, racism, general ignorance, and the entire Kardashian phenomenon.
3 words that best describe you? emotional, humorous, honest
Name? Luka Sabbat
Age? 17
What do you do? Model and style
Loves? Clothes, video games, and sleep.
Loathes? Edgy cyber teens, bad outfits, and intoxicated talkative humans
3 words that best describe you? Coolest lame dweeb
Name? Valerie Teicher / Tei Shi
Age? 25
What do you do? Musician. I'm a singer, songwriter, and producer in training.
Loves? Candy, the ocean, the saxophone, and the harp.
Loathes? Cellphones, abbreviations for words, and vodka.
3 words that best describe you? Passionate, embarrassed, confused
Name? Terence Connors
Age? 25
What do you do? Filmmaker
Loves? Getting tossed around in the ocean and looking through a viewfinder at a nicely framed shot.
Loathes? Rarely do I ever loathe.
3 words that best describe you? American, Film, French
Name? Sara Rabin
Age? 22
What do you do? Art and I'm a waitress.
Loves? I love my family, I love candy, I love reading, and I love my tweezers.
Loathes? I loathe people who claim to be bored, people who talk too much, people who drag their feet when they walk, commercials, and lack of sleep.
3 words that best describe you? I am rude.
Name? Miyako Bellizzi
Age? 26
What do you do? Stylist, Photographer, and Dice jewelry creator.
Loves? Inspiring friends, individuality, old cars, photography, nuts, and NYC.
Loathes? Sandals, bad taste, and chocolate.
3 words that best describe you? Rare, amiable, loyal