Leila Goldkuhl
Photographed by Stef Mitchell
Production / Creative Direction - George Koren
Dressed by - Mecca Cox
Hair and makeup - Natasha Severino (Jed Root) using Dermologica
Model - Leila Goldkuhl (Next)
Production / Creative Direction - George Koren
Dressed by - Mecca Cox
Hair and makeup - Natasha Severino (Jed Root) using Dermologica
Model - Leila Goldkuhl (Next)
Left - Phlemuns top
Right - Solid + Stripe swimsuit -
Left - vintage overalls from Redux Ritual LA
Right - vintage pants from Redux Ritual LA -
Sweater from NeedSupply.com, Solid + Stripe swimsuit bottom
Solid + Stripe swimsuit
Left - Solid + Stripe swimsuit
Right - Solid + Stripe swimsuit top, vintage pants from Redux Ritual LA -
Solid + Stripe swimsuit
Left - Phlemuns top, vintage catsuit from Redux Ritual LA
Right - Solid + Stripe swimsuit top, Objects Without Meaning necklace from NeedSupply.com -
Solid + Stripe swimsuit
Solid + Stripe swimsuit
Solid + Stripe swimsuit
Left - vintage jacket
Right - Solid + Stripe swimsuit